

Death in the Family

We will work with you to best implement the will or intestacy, by providing practical advice without excessive legalese or delay.

Austins is accredited by the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).  We adhere to their codes of conduct in addition to our professional SRA obligations.

What We Can Do For You

Death never takes a wise man by surprise.” Jean de La Fontaine

STEP is a globally recognised organisation that specialises in all private client matters.

Austins will work with you to best implement the will or intestacy.  By providing practical advice without excessive legalese or delay. Our experience will ensure a smooth and effective process with minimum delay.

We will tailor our probate service to your needs and instructions.
We shall keep you informed throughout with regular written updates.

Our retainer will cover all aspects of the administration, including Inheritance Tax review, calculation and drafting.  Applying for the grant of representation, safe custody of documents and estate funds.

Estate accounts and progress reports are provided so you can monitor the progress of all matters.

Austins Solicitors Limited is Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA No: 404976.

Registered office: 3 Chiswick Business Park, 566 Chiswick High Road, Chiswick, London W4 5YA

VAT no: GB 843 258 226

Our regulatory body: