Our Fees
This information gives more details about what fees and costs are involved for our different types of services.  These examples provide guidance on the likely fees for our services. This list and its examples are not exhaustive.
Fees & Costs Details
We also offer advice and assistance for Landlord and Tenant, Trusts and Smaller Business matters.  To get an accurate overview of the service we can offer you, contact us.
Conveyancing of Registered Land
plus VAT & disbursements start from- Residential Property
- Freehold/Leasehold
- Plus VAT & Disbursements
Leasehold Extension
plus VAT & disbursements start from- Residential Property
- Plus VAT & Disbursements
- Excludes negotiation or litigation
Drafting Trusts and Declarations
plus VAT start from- Leading to Grant or Letters of Administration
- Plus VAT
plus VAT & disbursements start from- Individual will
- Without Trust element
- Plus VAT & Disbursements, if any
- Discounts available for couples when drafted at the same time.
with Trust & General Tax Advice start from- Individual will
- With Trust element
- General Tax Advice
- Plus VAT & Disbursements, if any
- Discounts available for couples when drafted at the same time.
plus VAT & disbursements- Hourly Rates applied
- Plus VAT & Disbursements
- Fixed Fees are available for drafting Inheritance Tax Return with advice from £1,000 plus VAT
Lasting Powers of Attorney
plus VAT start from- From £450 Plus VAT
- Discount applicable when drafting two or more LPAs at the same time to £350 plus VAT and disbursements.
- Registration Fee £82
Notarial Services
For Personal - plus VAT start from- Notarisation of documents for personal use start at £114 (£95 plus £19 VAT @ 20%) plus disbursements.
- Fixed quotes available.
- Expedited services offered along with Apostille and legalisation for oversea use.
Notarial Services
For Commercial - plus VAT start from- Commercial Notarisation starts at £300 (£250 plus £50 VAT @ 20%) plus disbursements.
- Fixed quotes available.
- Expedited services offered along with Apostille and legalisation for oversea use.
Deed of Variation
plus VAT start from- With AdviceÂ
- Plus VAT
Basis of Our Fees
This guide explains our costs and the basis of your retainer with Austins. When deciding which solicitor to instruct, the cost of the service is important but should not be the only factor.
How We Charge
The fees for our professional services are either charged on a fixed fee, capped or time basis. All invoices will be subject to VAT and disbursements. We have several payment options available.
The exact cost will depend on the:
â‹…Â value of the transaction
â‹…Â time constraints, such as short deadlines
Fixed Fees
We usually provide will drafting and conveyancing at a fixed fee. A detailed quote is sent to you for approval before our initial meeting. It is subject to reasonable use.
Capped Fees
This service is a hourly rate service. A maximum fee is applied. This means you are only charged for the time actually spent on your matter or the stage of your matter.
Hourly Rates
We charge hourly rates most commonly for matters that are complex, time sensitive or of high value. If your matter is hourly based, a quote will be provided for each stage.
Estimate of Costs
We will give you an estimate of costs as soon as possible after full information is available. We will give you further updates on likely charges as the matter progresses.  This will be done as and when required for all services.
What You Can Expect From Us
We will carry out your instructions as expediently and efficiently as possible. By instructing us to act on your behalf we will always place your best interests first, in accordance with the law of England and Wales. In turn we will expect full information from you.  This is so we can provide an appropriate professional service.
What We Expect From You
As our client you will be personally responsible for our fees; even if the fees are recoverable from a third party. Routine letters, e-mails, faxes and telephone calls will be charged at a tenth of the fee earner’s hourly rate. Preparation, perusal, drafting, meetings or longer letters and calls will be charged on a time basis. However a fully detailed fee narrative is provided with every invoice rendered.
Payment Options
We have a few payment options, including by invoice, on account and by instalment.
Rendering of invoices
Invoices will be rendered on a regular basis or at an appropriate stage depending on the matter, unless agreed otherwise.Â
Any discounts applied are on the assumption of prompt payment.
For your convenience, we accept payment by cheque and bank transfer.
Payments on account
At the start of each retainer we require funds on account or a sum equivalent to the transaction’s disbursements or initial attendance, whichever is the greater.
If the matter does not proceed to completion, a fee may be applicable. Any such fee will be calculated according to the time spent and the stage at which the transaction ended.
We can accept instalments for our fees, but only if it is collected by direct debit.
Each matter will be decided individually and to the appropriate level of payment and repayment period.
Please discuss this with your fee earner at the start of your retainer.
Austins Solicitors Limited is Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA No: 404976.
Registered office: 3 Chiswick Business Park, 566 Chiswick High Road, Chiswick, London W4 5YA
VAT no: GB 843 258 226
Our regulatory body: www.sra.org.uk