
Company Services

We work extensively with small to medium sized businesses.



We provide legal peace of mind to our clients, regarding their businesses.  We also provide a framework for the efficient and profitable management of your business with our complementary legal services.

What We Can Do For You

“From acorns mighty oaks grow.”

We give advice and assistance in the following areas:

Start up business bundles

Compromise Agreements

Confidentiality Agreements

Drafting of company terms and conditions

Shareholder Agreements

Trust Creation

Fixed fees are available.

Austins Solicitors Limited is Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA No: 404976.

Registered office: 3 Chiswick Business Park, 566 Chiswick High Road, Chiswick, London W4 5YA

VAT no: GB 843 258 226

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